Kekuatan Uang atau Image Perusahaan dari peminta iklan ?

Written on 12.42 by aDi

Ketika suatu hari saya menanggani suatu iklan di website untuk keperluan suatu lomba, saya begitu kaget ketika pihak sponsor tersebut meminta halaman depan full tanpa skip, woh, tanpa skip, sebegitunya, ya tetapi itulah kekuatan sponsor ketika memang ingin menjadi sponsor penuh.

Pernahkah anda membayangkan ketika anda membaca sebuah media cetak dengan halaman depan tertutup iklan full ? woh, seperti apa bayangan anda ketika mengetahui hal itu ? kekuatan iklan tersebut membeli "harga diri" dari media tersebut, tetapi hal itu tidak memungkinkan untuk terjadi di media cetak, mungkin ada sesuatu saat, tidak ada kebijakan atas itu kecuali kebijakan dari media cetak tersebut.

Ternyata hal tersebut sepertinya dapat terjadi di kemudian hari, tetapi di media online, suatu hari saya berkunjung ke suatu web berita nasional yang terkenal, begitu kagetnya saya ketika headline dari halaman tersebut tertutup total sebuah iklan dari negeri seberang, walau hanya bersifat flash atau bisa di close, tetapi sepertinya itu berlebihan, pihak media online seperti "los" akan aturan main peletakan-peletakan iklan, tanpa mengindahkan suatu "harga diri" web tersebut.

Membayangkan media online kedepan halamannya akan penuh dengan iklan dan iklan, serba bermunculan iklan dalam bentuk "flash", waoh, sepertinya secara perlahan pihak media online harus mempunyai spesifikasi untuk space iklan mereka, hanya ada sepucuk tulisan dari media online tersebut ketika anda mengakses, dan akan ada sebagian besar iklan yang mengisi halaman awal (sebelum di scroll), ok deh kalau mau dibilang iklan itu sebagai asupan bagi media tersebut, tetapi sebaiknya megindahkan etika peletakan iklan, bukankah akan membuat pembaca semakin ingin berkunjung karena web tersebut peletakan iklannya semakin pas dan ringan.

Hanya ada beberapa media online di indonesia ini, tentunya akan membuat porsi iklan semakin menumpuk dan menunggu di media online tersebut. Ada 1 web media online dahulu yang sempat menjadi pesaing web berita nomor 1 di indonesia, saya senang mengakses web tersebut ketika perubahan tampilan dari web nomor 1 itu, tetapi karenanya semakin "eksis"nya web itu membuat iklan bertebaran dan berat untuk diakses, semakin lama untuk membuka page, scroll page, dsb. Perlukah adanya etika peletakan media online ini? saya rasa perlu, bagaimana dengan kawan-kawan lainnya ?

100 Ribu Per 30 Hari di Indonesia

Written on 16.56 by aDi

Kira-kira menurut anda, apa yang diperkirakan ketika membaca topik tersebut ? semua promo sembako?haha...tentu tidak, karena blog ini setidak berhubungan dengan teknologi, perkembangan internet di indonesia semakin meningkat tanpa di sadari kita memasuki era 3G HSDPA yang sudah banjir digunakan oleh kawan-kawan di seputar indonesia.

Kali ini, tepatnya akhir februari tahun ini XL mengeluarkan produk yang mengesankan menurut saya, langkah inovasi mereka dalam menerobos aplikatif di banding operator selular lainnya, XL mengeluarkan produk internet PraBayar, Hanya dengan anda membeli perdana seharga 100 ribu, anda dapat menikmati internet baik di gadget ataupun melalui modem (promo bgt ya), tapi inilah satu nilai kelebihan Public Relations mereka yang "lihai" mengenai pasar kini hingga ke depan, walaupun hanya dengan speed 256kbps, tapi bagi yang hanya berkeinginan cek email,chating,fesbuk-an saya kira itu sudah cukup, asal speed-nya bener-bener real segitu.

Tahu sendiri indonesia umumnya mengeluarkan produk yang murah tapi dengan kualitas yang "mepet", ya mungkin karena keterbatasan dana atau infratstruktur yang ada, tapi bagi kawan-kawan yang lain (maksudnya daerah diluar Jabodetabek) jangan terlalu berharap dulu, karena produk tersebut masih disekitar daerah sana.hoh....semoga cepat terealisasi, cara ini lebih ampuh daripada kabel yang harus narik sampai ke desa, tentunya akan memakan waktu serta biaya bla bla bla...hahaha...
Semangat Untuk Indonesiaku Dalam Teknologi.

Salam Tekno.

Fenomena Internet Di Indonesia

Written on 12.41 by aDi

Indonesia kini tengah menuju masa untuk mencapai "sukses", tetapi tampaknya pemimpin dalam negara ini hanya dipengaruhi oleh organisasi-organisasi yang sama dengan dahulu-nya, mereka hanya bergerak serta berputar dalam ruang lingkup yang kurang mengikuti jaman, Barrack Obama merupakan suatu contoh dari pemimpin yang berusaha untuk menjajakan IT untuk publikasi dirinya kepada pendukung serta calon pendukungnya.

Dahulu, sebelum saya pindah untuk kuliah disurabaya, saya sempat berpikir setidaknya saya mempunyai satu koneksi internet disurabaya, kira-kira itu tahun 2004, walaupun dengan harga 300 ribu, saya rela membayar untuk sebuah koneksi tersebut, tetapi kenyataan berbicara lain, ketika sesampai disini, koneksi internet ternyata juga rumit, target ISP-ISP disurabaya hanya pada Data Colocation dengan Corporate Public, sehingga mereka tidak memprioritaskan personal, ya mungkin itu karena masih mahalnya bandwidth 1mb/s (bukan 1mbps), sekitar 30 Juta 1mb/s untuk jalur internasional,sedangkan pada saat itu juga belum ada tersedianya IIX, tentunya akan lebih memakan cost lebih jika pihak ISP hanya mengoperasikan pada personal public.

Banyak Orang Mengira 1mbps itu adalah 1 mega byte per second, seperti layaknya salah perusahaan pemerintah di indonesia yang menaikkan bandwidth mereka hingga "Up To 1Mbps", realita-nya hanya mendapat di 512Kbps (dan itupun hanya waktu tertentu dan regional tertentu).

Surabaya sebagai kota kedua dari bagian indonesia ternyata masih susah mendapatkan sebuah koneksi internet yang murah dan layak untuk di gunakan secara personal, ada yang murah, tapi harga perangkatnya mahal, disertakan quota lalu bandwidth diturunkan ketika quota tersebut terlewati, saya sempat kaget ketika ada teman saya yang mengatakan ada sebuah produk berinisial "flas*", sebuah produk berlangganan internet dari jaringan seluler terkemuka di indonesia, dengan berkata demikian "Daftar flash di telkom ya?", wow, begitu kagetnya saya ketika membaca itu, masih kurangkah kinerja public relations atau marketing mereka untuk menjelaskan produk tersebut bahwa produk "flas*" tersebut ialah produk mereka.

Tahun lalu pemerintahan kita berkata akan ada penurunan tarif internet sebesar 100% , tahun ini mengatakan akan turun hingga 200%, memang segala sesuatu hal butuh tahapan untuk mewujudkannya, tetapi hanya sebatas itukah?, sensasikah?,kenapa realisasinya hanya sebatas itu, tanpa menjelaskan info dan hasil lebih lanjut ke masyarakat luas, hanya akan memberikan info ketika di tanya, tanpa publikasi yang luas, semoga pemberitaan dari hasil media tidak hanya terbatas itu, tetapi setidaknya membuahkan yang hasilnya terlihat implementasinya di indonesia ini.

A Woman Culture Between Two Countries

Written on 12.25 by aDi

A Women In Dayak Culture

Indonesian is a big country, that have many culture cross between us, the either is dayak from kalimantan, they spread around east kalimantan, west kalimantan, and middle kalimantan. Describe about feminism in dayak tribe, Dayak women have a special tradition as weavers of cloth. However, this is a job that has been established as a community of women, especially girls, are not allowed to go out the house yard. They also perform a special ritual before weaving cloth as all the fabric has a meaning and benefits of each. All weaving cloth begins with the prayer request to God. Dayak people should not be recklessly weaving. Weaving equipment they also sacred. Rattan purchase of wood and leather as buffalo protester back.

A motif will have a lot of meaning, among others :

· Swallow motif loan, for example, will bring a lot of trust provision for the user.

· Ruit sparrow motif usual dayak people when they travel long-ruit sparrow first used at the time of war.

· Hairpin motif used sick people who are believed to bring healing.

Values wisdom Dayak women as weavers of cloth tied in fact bring a good impact on the nation's cultural identity, as this means that the local culture and still have maintained. However, when seen from the perspective of feminism, as the author described that work as a weaver of cloth is not entirely on her own choice, but as a forced due to lack of access to public spaces on the fact that only women Dayak tribe is silent in the home. a woman should also have a public space that the withdrawal knowledgeable men, but because of who created the role of history before making a woman can not always equal status with men, although women, especially in the dayak tribe, they can produce something other than the achievement of course yield cloth bundle. Simone de Beauvoir's ideas can provide the understanding that the women on the philosophical“One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman”[ a woman is not a regularity but a process that is never to be finished],

Indian Women in Culture

India is the another one country that was grow up now, but in the modern culture in india still has a long history about the women, more curious than another history country, but it is india. A woman still like an “assistant” around a mass, the women become the second in a variety of things, can not be generalized to men, it also happens to the country before india good until now, despite this modern era, but it just seems like a figment of blind. They were not allowed to move freely and this lead to the further deterioration of their status. These problems related with women resulted in changed mindset of people. Now they began to consider a girl as misery and a burden, which has to be shielded from the eyes of intruders and needs extra care. Whereas a boy child will not need such extra care and instead will be helpful as an earning hand. Thus a vicious circle started in which women was at the receiving end. All this gave rise to some new evils such as Child Marriage, Sati, Jauhar and restriction on girl education

  • Sati: The ritual of dying at the funeral pyre of the husband is known as "Sati" or "Sahagaman". According to some of the Hindu scriptures women dying at the funeral pyre of her husband go straight to heaven so its good to practice this ritual. Initially it was not obligatory for the women but if she practiced such a custom she was highly respected by the society. Sati was considered to be the better option then living as a widow as the plight of widows in Hindu society was even worse. Some of the scriptures like 'Medhatiti' had different views it say that Sati is like committing suicide so one should avoid this.
  • Jauhar: It is also more or less similar to Sati but it is a mass suicide. Jauhar was prevalent in the Rajput societies. In this custom wives immolated themselves while their husband were still alive. When people of Rajput clan became sure that they were going to die at the hands of their enemy then all the women arrange a large pyre and set themselves afire, while their husband used to fight the last decisive battle known as "Shaka", with the enemy. Thus protecting the sanctity of the women and the whole clan.
  • Child Marriage: It was a norm in medieval India. Girls were married off at the age of 8-10. They were not allowed access to education and were treated as the material being. The plight of women can be imagined by one of the shloka of Tulsidas where he writes "Dhol, gawar, shudra, pashu, nari, ye sab tadan ke adhikari". Meaning that animals, illiterates, lower castes and women should be subjected to beating. Thus women were compared with animals and were married off at an early age. The child marriage along with it brought some more problems such as increased birth rate, poor health of women due to repeated child bearing and high mortality rate of women and children.
  • Restriction on Widow Remarriage: The condition of widows in medieval India was very bad. They were not treated as human beings and were subjected to a lot of restrictions. They were supposed to live pious life after their husband died and were not allowed entry in any celebration. Their presence in any good work was considered to be a bad omen. Sometimes heads of widows were also shaved down. They were not allowed to remarry. Any woman remarrying was looked down by the society. This cruelty on widows was one of the main reasons for the large number of women committing Sati. In medieval India living as a Hindu widow was a sort of a curse.

  • Purdah System: The veil or the 'Purdah' system was widely prevalent in medieval Indian society. It was used to protect the women folk from the eyes of foreign rulers who invaded India in medieval period. But this system curtailed the freedom of women.

· Girl Education: The girls of medieval India and especially Hindu society were not given formal education. They were given education related to household chores. But a famous Indian philosopher 'Vatsyayana' wrote that women were supposed to be perfect in sixty four arts which included cooking, spinning, grinding, knowledge of medicine, recitation and many more.

In modern era, the women in india still can not grow more than a man, there is always any “status”, that women can not being a leader, the issues in this problems it is a most contradiction that always being public issues in modern era
The main problems of Indian women includes:

  • Malnutrition
    Generally in India, women are the one who eat last and least in the whole family. So they eat whatever is left after men folk are satiated. As a result most of the times their food intake does not contain the nutritional value required in maintaining the healthy body. In villages, sometimes women do not get to eat the whole meal due to poverty. The UNICEF report of 1996 clearly states that the women of South Asia are not given proper care, which results in higher level of malnutrition among the women of South Asia than anywhere else in the world. This nutritional deficiency has two major consequences for women first they become anemic and second they never achieve their full growth, which leads to an unending cycle of undergrowth as malnourished women cannot give birth to a healthy baby.
  • Poor Health
    The malnutrition results in poor health of women. The women of India are prejudiced from the birth itself. They are not breastfed for long. In the want of a son the women wants to get pregnant as soon as possible which decreases the caring period to the girl child whereas the male members get adequate care and nutrition. Women are not given the right to free movement that means that they cannot go anywhere on their own if they want and they have to take the permission of male member of family or have to take them along. This results in decrease in women's visit to doctor and she could not pay attention to her health as a result.
  • Maternal Mortality
    The mortality rate in India is among highest in the world. As females are not given proper attention, which results in the malnutrition and then they are married at an early age which leads to pregnancies at younger age when the body is not ready to bear the burden of a child. All this results in complications, which may lead to gynecological problems, which may become serious with time and may ultimately, lead to death.
  • Lack of education
    In India women education never got its due share of attention. From the medieval India women were debarred from the educational field. According to medieval perception women need just household education and this perception of medieval India still persists in villages of India even today. Girls are supposed to fulfill domestic duties and education becomes secondary for them whereas it is considered to be important for boys. Although scenario in urban areas has changed a lot and women are opting for higher education but majority of Indian population residing in villages still live in medieval times. The people of villages consider girls to be curse and they do not want to waste money and time on them as they think that women should be wedded off as soon as possible.

    The main reason for not sending girls to school is the poor economic condition. Another reason is far off location of schools. In Indian society virginity and purity is given utmost importance during marriage and people are afraid to send their girl child to far off schools were male teacher teach them along with boys.

    The lack of education is the root cause for many other problems. An uneducated mother cannot look after her children properly and she is not aware of the deadly diseases and their cure, which leads to the poor health of the children. An uneducated person does not know about hygiene this lack of knowledge of hygiene may lead to poor health of the whole family.
  • Mistreatment
    In India violence against women is a common evil. Not just in remote parts but in cities also women bear the brunt. They are subjected to physical and mental violence. They are the one who work most but are not given their due. The women is not safe anywhere neither at home nor at workplace. Every hour a woman is raped in India and every 93 minutes a woman is burnt to death due to dowry problem. There are many laws such as The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, The Hindu Succession Act of 1956, The Hindu Widow Remarriage Act of 1856, The Hindu Women Right to Property Act of 1937, The Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, to protect women and punishment is severe but the conviction rate of crime against women is very low in India.
  • Overworked
    Indian women work more than men of India but their work is hardly recognized as they mainly do unskilled work. Their household chores is never counted as a work, if a woman is working in a field to help her husband it will also be not counted as a work. A study conducted by Mies in 1986 states that in Andhra Pradesh a woman works around 15 hours a day during the agricultural season whereas a male on an average works for around 7-8 hours.
  • Lack of power
    In India a large percentage of women do not have power. They cannot take decisions independently not even related to their own life. They have to take permission of male members for each and every issue. They don't have any say in important household matters and not in matter of their own marriage.
  • Marriage
    The family mainly fixes the marriages in India. The scenario in villages is very bad. The girl is not consulted[r6] but is told to marry a guy whom her family has chosen for him. They are taught to abide by the whims and fancies of their husbands. Going against the wishes of husband is considered to be a sin. In marriage husband always has the upper hand. The groom and his parents show as if they are obliging the girl by marrying her and in return they demand hefty dowry.
  • Dowry
    It's a serious issue. Courts are flooded with cases related to death due to dowry harassment by husband and in laws. In ancient times women were given 'Stridhan' when they departed from the house of their parents. This amount of money was given to her as a gift which she can use on her and her children but her in-laws did not have any right on that amount. This amount was supposed to help the girl in time of need. Slowly this tradition became obligatory and took the form of dowry. Nowadays parents have to give hefty amount in dowry, the in laws of their girl are not concerned whether they can afford it or not. If a girl brings large amount of dowry she is given respect and is treated well in her new home and if she does not bring dowry according to expectations of her in laws then she has to suffer harassment. Due to this evil practice many newly wed women of India have to lose their lives.
  • Female infanticide/foeticide
    As women were supposed to be and in some areas of India are still considered to be curse by some strata of society their birth was taken as a burden. So in past times they were killed as soon as they were born. In some of the Rajput clans of Rajasthan newly born girl child was dropped in a large bowl of milk and was killed. Today with the help of technology the sex of the unborn baby is determined and if it is a girl child then it is aborted down. In all this procedure women do not have any say they have to do according to the wish of their husbands even if she does not wan to abort she have any choice.
  • Divorce
    The divorce rate in India is not so high compared to western countries but it does not mean that marriages are more successful here. The reason behind low level of divorce rate is that it is looked down by the society. It is regarded as the sign of failure of marriage, especially of women. She is treated as if she has committed some crime by divorcing her husband. In some communities like Muslims women did not have the right to divorce their husband they were divorced at just the pronouncement of " I divorce you" by their husband thrice and they could not do anything except to be the mute spectator. Recently Muslim Law Board has given right of divorce to women. After divorce women is entitled to get her "Mehr" for herself and her children's sustenance. In Hindu society women get maintenance for themselves and their children after divorce.

· The statistics testifies to the brutalities afflicted on women folk

Social Indicator



Infant Mortality Rate, per 1000 live births



Maternal Mortality Rate, per 100,000 live births



Female Literacy, %



Female School Enrollment



Earned Income by females, %



Underweight Children, %



Total Fertility Rate



Women in Government, %



Contraception usage, %



Low birth weight babies, %



Though there are problems in the lives of Indian women but they are always ready to fight all the odds and enjoy their life to the full they have their own talent, hobbies, and they socialize according to Indian customs.

In ancient India both men and women used to wear clothes, which did not need stitching. This custom resulted in women wearing the unstitched long clothe to cover the lower part of body this clothe came to be known as 'Sari' and the upper half of the body was covered with "Stanpatta", modern day 'choli' or blouse which was tied at the back. This attire of the past along with certain modifications continues till today. It is the major attire in rural India. In northern India and especially in cities women also wear 'Salwar kameez', which is comfortable in workplace. Nowadays some women in urban India also wear westernized dresses like trousers and shirts but majority of the women wear Indian attire.

Recreational Activities
Indian women pass her free time with her family or socializing with her friends and husband's family. The major part of housewives time is spent in looking after the family especially children.

Women's Struggle And Reforms
Though women of India are not at par with her counterpart in Western world but she is struggling hard to make her mark in men's world. We can count on certain names from the British India where women put the example of extraordinary bravery which even men might not be able to show. Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi was the one such woman. She was the one who put even British rulers to shame with her extraordinary feats in battle. She fought for her kingdom, which Dalhousie, British Governor General, had unlawfully annexed. She was in a true sense the leader of uprising of 1857. There are certain men who took the cause of women in India. There have been social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Swami Vivekanand, Swami Dayananda Saraswati who have helped women gain their previous status in society.

Some leaders who encourage and support the role of women's emancipation and women can walk better than time to time

Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Born on 22nd may 1772 he was the torchbearer of social reforms for the women. He was strictly against the evils prevalent in society in his time. He is the one who has done women a great favor by abolishing Sati lawfully. It was due to his efforts that Lord William Bentinck banned the custom of Sati in 1829. Though this law was not a great deterrent but it changed mindset of people to some extent. Ram Mohan Roy also did great work in the field of women education. He was against child marriage and favored widow remarriage. He himself married a widow thus setting the example for the whole society. Along with 'Dwarka Nath Tagore' he founded "Brahmo Samaj" for the reform of Indian society and emancipation of women.

Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was popularly known as Vidyasager, which means sea of knowledge. Testifying to his name he was truly the sea of knowledge. He was a pillar of social reform movement of Bengal in 19th century. He widely read ancient Hindu scriptures and came to know that the gender divide which was prevalent in Bengal was not encoded in our ancient texts instead it is the politics to keep women subordinate to men. He strongly supported women education in Bengal and went door to door to persuade people to send their girl child to school. He also did a lot in the field of widow remarriage. He opened many schools for girls.

Mahatma Jyotirao Phule
Born on April 11, 1827, Pune, Jyotirao Govindrao Phule was a real philanthropist. He was the one to open first girl school in India. He is also credited with opening first home for widows of the upper caste and a home for newborn girl children so that they can be saved from female infanticide.

Swami Dayananda Saraswati
He was the founder of Arya Samaj and gave a cry, "back to Vedas". He translated Vedas from Sanskrit to Hindi so that a common man can read it and understand that the Vedic Hindu scriptures gave utmost importance to women. He emphasized for the equal rights for women in every field. He tried to change the mindset of people with his Vedic teachings.

Mahatma Gandhi
The social reformers of 19th century laid down the stage for the emancipation of women but it was Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi under whose influence these reforms reached masses. He was the one who liberated Indian women from the clutches of 'Purdah' and other social evils. He brought them from their confinement and asked them to participate in the struggle for independence. According to him women should be liberated from the slavery of kitchen only then their true potential could be realized. He said that responsibility of household is important for women but it should not be the only one. In fact she should come forward to share the responsibilities of nation.

When Gandhiji came to the stage of Indian struggle for independence then the average life span of Indian women was 27 years and only 2%women were educated this shows what a Herculean task it was to bring the women of India who was not getting her basic rights to fight for the cause of the nation. But it was due to his efforts that so many women like Sarojini Naidu, Vijayalakshmi Pandit, Aruna Asaf Ali, Sucheta Kriplani and Rajkumari Amrit Kaur came forward. He spread the message of equality of the gender to the masses and criticized the desire of Indian people to have male child instead of a female. Gandhiji was strictly against the child marriage and favored widow remarriage. He urged the youth to come forward and accept young widows as their life partner. He said that the girls are also capable of everything boys can do but the need of the time is to give them opportunities so that they can prove themselves. It was mainly due to his efforts that when India got independence 'right to vote' came naturally to Indian women whereas in other developed nations like England and America women got this right very late and that too after lot of protest.(ads)